Patti's Blog

3 Ways to know he’s your keeper

3 ways to know he's your keeperThis post was originally titled “3 Ways to know he’s a keeper,” but I changed it to “your keeper,” because that’s what important here. Who the heck cares if the guy looks good on paper or if a lot of other women want to marry him? What matters if he’s your forever guy. That’s different for every woman. And here’s how to tell if the guy you’re dating is your keeper.


  1. You laugh

    Do you have a good time with this guy? Do you want to take him everywhere with you because he makes everything better? Have you spent noticeably more time laughing since he’s been in your life? If your answers are yes, yes and yes, then he’s sounding like a keeper to me. I’m a hopeless romantic, but even I know that relationships aren’t all first kisses and snugglefests. And when the initial romance subsides and you guys are just living life together, you want to make sure you’re with someone who makes life fun for you.

  2. You talk

    I mean, obviously you talk to the guy you’re dating. But, do you REALLY talk? I mean, can you talk to him about anything and everything, even the crappy stuff. Actually, especially the crappy stuff. Is it comfortable talking about finances with him? Does he make it easy to talk out your differences and come to compromises? Do you know that no matter what you say, he’ll love you? Do you know that he’s just as comfortable talking to you? Your keeper has to be someone you can communicate with no matter what the topic and the circumstance. If that describes your guy, I’m thinking you could have a keeper.

  3. You know

    I know this last tip doesn’t seem that helpful. But, it’s the truth. When you know, you know. If you’re reading this and thinking, “I think I know that he’s a keeper, but I’m not 100% sure,” well, I hate to say it, but you probably don’t know. And he’s probably not your forever guy. I know that’s really crappy to hear. But, as someone who’s been in a lot of relationships that I thought were pretty good, but I just didn’t know if he was the one for me, let me tell you, it’s true. If you’re not sure then he’s not your keeper. It’s as simple as that. And, believe me, it’s so much better to end the relationship now and move on to the next fellow, who very well could be your keeper.

How did you know your man was your keeper? Let me know in the comments. I love reading about love!
