Tag Archives: online dating

Warning: Single ladies, I’m about to get all tough love up on you. I’m out and out sick of listening to my single friends repeat the same toxic sayings over and over again. My friends are fabulous, successful, sexy and very confused about why they’re still single. And from a distance, you’d be really confused too. But, I know exactly why some of my favorite single ladies can’t get a man. It’s their attitudes, and specifically how they talk about dating. If you’re a single gal—my friend or not—who’s saying any of the below totally terrible phrases about her dating life, know that you’re the reason you’re single. Read more

It's really getting kind of sad.
I know people who’ve been single for years and years and years and literally go out on date after date after date and get ghosted all the time.
I know people who are dating six or seven people at a time, they've got a roster, so why settle for one? Let them all compete against one another and if someone drops out, just go and swipe somebody else. Read more

I’m all about keeping an open mind when it comes to dating. Sure you may have a type, but would it really matter if a guy were five inches shorter than your ideal height if everything else were perfect? Or so what if he didn’t go a great school as long as he has a great career that he’s proud of? I encourage all of my women to stick to three non-negotiable deal-makers and then open their mind to anything else. The flip side of that is that I think there should be some non-negotiable deal-breakers, too. And you can normally see these deal-breakers from a mile away, even on his dating profile. Read more

Online dating is tough thing to master. I’m a professional matchmaker and I’ve made mistakes! So, I can only assume that “normals” who don’t make their living on love are definitely making mistakes when it comes to the swiping game. Even though online dating has become the norm, and essentially mandatory, when it comes to finding a potential partner, that doesn’t mean that it’s natural or easy. To help you all out with this tough part of the dating hunt, I thought I’d highlight three mistakes that I know you’re making on dating apps. Read more

I don't care if you have an iPhone, a Samsung or any smartphone. What your smartphone is doing is destroying your entire dating and social life. And here's why:
Every time you look down at that little box, that little screen, you're under the illusion that you have a life.
How many apps do you have on your phone? I'm sure one of the apps you have is Facebook. Read more