Tag Archives: man

3 Ways to tell if he’s really interested

The biggest question I get from random women who see me and stop me for advice is “How do I know if he’s interested in me?” Seriously, I get versions of this all the time in person on the street, on social media and from my female clients. And while there are a lot of gray areas when it comes to love and dating, this isn’t one of them. I have very black and white views when it comes to figuring out if a dude is interested and I’m not shy about sharing them. (Big surprise, I know.) Read more

The Number One Reason Why The Modern Man Is Soft

I was getting an adjustment today at my chiropractor's office and I asked him how his weekend was. He told me he had to go to a baby shower on Sunday. I looked at him and said, “What is up with these co-ed baby showers? How was it?” “Kind of annoying,” he said. “I had to miss my weekly rugby game, which is something that really makes me we feel grounded and makes me feel great. The only benefit was I got to play with this amazing monkey that was there and had a really good time with the monkey.” What is up with the modern baby shower? Read more

Why I think you should stop following your man on social media

Social media has undeniably changed the face of dating and romance. Not to sound like everyone’s grandma, but there was a time when you had to choose between being social and consuming media. Now, you can do both at the same time and it means that a lot has changed in the dating game. And while there are a lot of benefits I can go into, I’ll save that for another post. I’m going to go into the drama of social media and romance. Here’s why I think you should disengage from your boo on social media. Read more

How to tell if your friends actually do like your man

In an ideal world, you have a gaggle of the world’s best friends and then you meet the world’s best guy and everyone gets along perfectly and you’re part of the world’s best squad. Hello, #squadgoals! Well, I’m sorry to be the one to report that squad goals like that are more squad fantasies than they are reality for most people. The truth is that you’ll often have people in your life that you love and who love you but don’t necessarily love each other. And really, that’s fine. It can even be good. There’s a lot of peace that can come with have separate elements of your life. But, of course you do things differently when your friends like your man and when they don’t. Read more