Tag Archives: date

7 Ways To Get Your Man To Feel Romantic

Women ask me all the time, "What do men find romantic?" It's interesting. There are a lot of women who think that all men (as a gender) are not romantic. I also get a lot of women who email me and say something like, "I wish my boyfriend was more romantic." Let me tell you something. There are also a lot of men who wish their girlfriends are more romantic. For those women out there who are looking to be more romantic for your man, or to really light a fire in your relationship, here are seven quick tips on how to get your man to feel romantic Read more

3 Reasons it’s actually a good thing to date someone you work with

You’ve definitely heard the old expression, “Don’t shit where you eat.” When people say it, they’re normally referring to the advice of not dating someone you work with. And sure, there’s sound logic there. Dating someone who’s not connected to you professionally is certainly less messy. But, it’s also hard advice to follow. You’re at work a lot and it’s an easy place to meet people. And, believe me, I know it can be difficult to find time outside of work to meet the right men. (Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. I’m all about prioritizing romance, but that doesn’t mean I think it’s easy!) So, romance at just work and here’s why I think it can actually be a good thing. Read more

Ask Emily: How Long Should I Wait Before Making a Date?

Lunch Date
Hi Emily, I learn so much from your podcasts! I am 36 and recently separated from a 16-year relationship. After waiting eight months, I decided I was ready to start dating again. A few colleagues of mine recommended some dating apps, so I checked them out. I went on two OKCupid dates and they went horribly. Then I gave it one last shot and started talking to a guy six years older than me. We have been talking for two weeks but haven't met in person yet. So far, our connection has been great! So here’s my question for you: is there a certain timeline to meet this guy and move forward from there? What do you suggest when it comes to going from cyber- and phone-chatting to meeting IRL? Read more

3 Reasons single ladies should date younger

I’m not sure if it’s something in the air or what, but I feel like all of my single girlfriends are really hitting a wall when it comes to dating recently. Every single one of them! One of my besties actually said to me the other day, “I think I’ve dated every man on the internet. There’s no one left!” So, I looked at her apps and saw that her search criteria were set to search for men her age or older. I had to seriously convince her to give me control of her apps, but she finally caved. I tweaked her age specifications to make her open to dudes 15 years younger and suddenly, it was a whole new world of dating! A week and two first dates later and my friend was converted to younger guys. Read more

When its OK for women to be hunters

By now you know I truly believe that men are hunters. It might be biological or it might be socialized, I’m not sure. No matter how they get that way, they just are. Men like to go after what they want and the more of a chase and struggle it is to catch it, the more valuable the prize is. That’s why I tell women to let men hunt them. It sounds way more violent than I mean it, though. What I mean is play the game. Let the chase happen. Don’t make it easy for dudes. Your relationship has more of chance of flourishing if you follow these old school rules. They’re old school for a reason! They work. If they didn’t, they’d just be forgotten rules. But, for every rule, there’s an exception. And in this case, there are three exceptions. Here are three times it’s OK for women to flip the script and be the hunters themselves. Read more

How to tell if he doesn’t want a second date

If you read this site enough, you’ll know that I’m basically obsessed with open and honest communication when it comes to relationships. To make it work with a partner, you need to talk about everything. And I really mean everything. The good, the bad, and the ugly! And place special emphasis on talking about those last two—the bad and the ugly. Because that’s when communication is really important. All of that is true for relationships, but the communication stuff doesn’t really hold water when it comes to dating. In a first date scenario, there is no communication. Read more