Tag Archives: communication tips

Why Do Men Go Cold?

Women ask me all the time, “David, why do men go cold? I’ve been seeing this guy. It’s been going great, and I thought he liked me. Now he isn’t answering my calls or texts. I just don’t get it. What’s gone wrong?” And the thing is, there could be a dozen reasons why a man goes cold on you. He could be scared of commitment, he could be a player, he could be married, or perhaps something in your behavior pushed him away. Read more

Is Your First Date A Player Or A Keeper?

A woman decides if her man is a player or keeper
It’s 2014 and time for you to enjoy some better success from your dating life. Let’s see if we can help you avoid the cheats, the players, and the man-boys whose knees tremble at the thought of commitment. Let’s see if we can help you meet a hot, confident, strong, and emotionally evolved man, ready to settle down and commit. Sounds great right? But how can we help you avoid another year of dating let-downs? Here are 3 ways to screen your first dates, so you can spot the men from the boys and the players from the keepers. Watch out man-boys. Your game is up! Read more

How to approach Women (or Men!)

a man flirts with a woman at a bar

Dear Emily,

How do I approach women? Growing up in SF during the seventies was not great for a man’s sense of masculine self, hearing what “pigs” men are. I choke all the time, even when I know a woman is into me…It’s like the Clockwork Orange treatment. Thanks, George Read more

5 Dangerous Signs He’s Cheating On You

Man in bed cheating with another woman
The last thing you want to admit is that the guy you love is cheating on you, but sometimes there are signs you just can’t ignore. So what are the signs you should be looking out for? Is it all about new aftershaves and haircuts, or are there more subtle things to keep an eye on. Here are just 5 of those signs… Read more

How to Create Your Dating Persona

Are you one of those people with a vacation mindset? You know what I mean. You visit a friend in Los Angeles for the weekend. And for some reason or another, you can meet people. It's easier. But when you got home, you just don't feel the same. You can't seem to get out of your head. You can't seem to find that dynamic person that you were in L.A., and you go back to being your regular, average self, stuck in your day-to-day life. You wonder where that person went. But every time you travel, whether it's Miami, Los Angeles, New York,  or Vegas, you seem to be able to create this magnetic personality. You don't seem to care at all. You flirt. You have fun. You relax and have a good time. But when you're home, you worry about what other people think. You worry about what someone will say if you try to flirt with somebody at the gym, or the super market. And, what if you get rejected? So, how do you become that ‘Road Warrior’, in your every day life? Today, David and I dive into that and show you exactly how you can have that dynamic personality all the time. More importantly, how nobody really cares about that un-dynamic person you present yourself as at home. How this magnetic road personality will make people at home want to not only date you, but be near you and hang out with you. Today, we expose the truth about the magnetic Road Warrior dating personality, and how to transform it into your life.

“I Will Make Them Understand”

Have you seen the movie The Little Mermaid? One of the best Disney movies of all time because it had so many great social statements. No, not that a woman that can turn into an octopus and take over a mermaid empire. Though that sounds like fun. But one of the best lines, and it's something a lot of people go into their relationships with: “I will make them understand”. Read more
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