Tag Archives: advice for moms

A self-reflexology trick to help relax your mind and fall asleep

... even after a bad date! Do you ever lie in bed struggling to get to sleep while your mind races over the day’s events? Sleep problems are the worst, and they can wreak havoc on your energy, mood, health and ability to function during the day. Here’s an easy self-reflexology technique that will help relax your body and mind so you can drift off peacefully to dreamland no matter how anxious you may be for your date tomorrow night (or the date you're anxious to forget ever happened). Read more

Keeping the spark alive post kids

Your kids, they’re amazing. They’re adorable. They’re the lights of your life. Kids bring so much joy into parents’ lives, but it’s a fact that it’s tough to keep relationship sparks smoldering post kids. Here’s three super simple strategies to keep the spark alive. Put down the Desitin or take a break from school play costume sewing and give these pointers a quick read. Your husband and your kids will be glad you did. Read more

Hot mama: Keeping the romance alive while you’re pregnant

Keeping the romance alive during pregnancy
Maybe I haven't carried a baby for nine months, but I know it's important to keep things hot between you and him whether you've just starting dating or you're married and carrying ten pounds of baby weight. Let's face it, your body is curvy and hot and there's no reason you shouldn't get more bang for buck during your pregnancy. My two cents? Your curves deserve lingerie right now. Read more