Category Archives: The Men’s Room – Love and Relationship Advice From a Man For Women

The Truth About How Men and Women are Wired

I want to take you on a journey right now to, well, probably the first lesson you ever learned from an adult when it came down to meeting boys and meeting girls. I remember the first time my father and I sat down after I had a crush on somebody in 5th grade and she blew me off. My father was never great with advice at all. As a matter of fact he was one of the worst advisors I have ever had. I told him about my crush, and told him it didn't work and I was all upset, and he looked at me and he said, “Well, girls, women, can't live with them, can't live without them,” and he started laughing. Read more

Three Tips To Get Your Ex Back

Mark this article right now with an asterisk, because I have absolutely no idea why anyone would want to get their ex back. It makes no sense to me at all. There's a reason they're called an ex. But, for those of you that would like to go through potential torture throughout your life, here are three valuable tips, which probably no one wants to hear in the magical society, on how to get your ex back. Read more

Why Men Ghost

Ghosting is the new way of blowing people off. It drives everybody crazy. It drives women crazy, it drives men crazy. You go on a few dates. If you want maybe two, even three or four dates. He's texting you. Read more

The Three Ways To Find Out If You’re Dating The Right Person

Let's be open today. Let's be honest. I want you to raise your hand if you really like the entire process of dating – everything about it, from the ghosting to the benching. Benching, by the way, is putting somebody on the sidelines and making you date other people and deciding whether or not you want to go see them again while they're in reserve. Flaking, texting, misconnection… How many of you truly, really like dating? Raise your hands. Read more

Why Threats Will Always Ruin a Relationship

Today I want to talk about over-reactors. And I also want to talk about how, if you're with somebody that makes you overreact, then you need to re-evaluate the entire relationship that you think in your mind you may have. My mother was an over-reactor. She would fly off the handle at any given moment. You never knew when she was going to be calm, and serene, and loving. Read more

The Biggest Texting Mistake You Can Make

I don't know about you, but sometimes texting can really drive me crazy. A lot of people abuse it and never get on the phone and even talk. And they'll text you non-stop throughout the day and night. Now look, I definitely abuse texting at certain points of my life, and there's certain people that I've had text relationships with. So I'm not claiming complete innocence here at all. But there's one thing about texting that I think everybody needs to follow. One rule, one rule that shows Read more
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