Monthly Archives: August 2016

Daily horoscopes: August 31, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

You don’t want to believe the worst, but you can’t avoid facts. At least you know what the bottom line is and that’s a comfort of sorts.


(April 20 - May 20):

You’re not one to cut losses, but cut anyway. Not only will you avoid a fiasco, you’ll come out ahead. Read more

Why summer is the best time to meet a millionaire

My shoulders are sunburned and my nose freckles are out which means that it’s officially the height of summer. Summer’s such a fun and social time of year. And if you’re single, it’s the perfect season to meet someone, especially a millionaire someone. So, my advice is to take advantage of the season, double your husband finding efforts and try to meet a millionaire mate this summer. Here’s why I think summer is the best time to meet a millionaire. Read more

Daily horoscopes: August 30, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

After every rise comes a dip. Instead of sinking into a funk, contemplate what you want. It’s a chance to update the life plan.


(April 20 - May 20):

For someone who doesn’t like anger it’s intriguing how you attract tempestuous types. Perhaps they’re in your life to raise the temperature? Read more

The Number One Killer Of Your Dating Life: Your iPhone

I don't care if you have an iPhone, a Samsung or any smartphone. What your smartphone is doing is destroying your entire dating and social life. And here's why: Every time you look down at that little box, that little screen, you're under the illusion that you have a life. How many apps do you have on your phone? I'm sure one of the apps you have is Facebook. Read more

Daily horoscopes: August 29, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Your partner’s star is on the rise. He’s finally found his calling and is going to shine. Good news for life at home.


(April 20 - May 20):

It’s always wise to make sure the people in your life are happy. Relationships will always be stronger than building walls. Read more

When its OK for women to be hunters

By now you know I truly believe that men are hunters. It might be biological or it might be socialized, I’m not sure. No matter how they get that way, they just are. Men like to go after what they want and the more of a chase and struggle it is to catch it, the more valuable the prize is. That’s why I tell women to let men hunt them. It sounds way more violent than I mean it, though. What I mean is play the game. Let the chase happen. Don’t make it easy for dudes. Your relationship has more of chance of flourishing if you follow these old school rules. They’re old school for a reason! They work. If they didn’t, they’d just be forgotten rules. But, for every rule, there’s an exception. And in this case, there are three exceptions. Here are three times it’s OK for women to flip the script and be the hunters themselves. Read more
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