Tag Archives: partnership

How to push your partner when they’re not living up to their potential

In the movies, getting married or partnering up with someone looks like it’s all surprise romantic getaways and nights snuggling on the couch. In reality, it’s hitching yourself to someone else and letting your life be majorly impacted by how smooth their ride is. I know that sucks that magic out of coupledom, but it’s basically what a long-term relationship is. Well, sprinkle in the joys of companionship, some good sex and maybe even a few romantic getaways. But, what do you do when you feel like your partner could be so much better than they are? Read more

5 Qualities That You Should Look For in a Partner

A happy couple on the grass
According to an American Psychological Association journal article titled Happy Couples, along with the best selling book by Barbara De Angelis titled Are You the One for Me?: Knowing Who's Right and Avoiding Who's Wrong, pointed to five discernable qualities that a partnership must have to be successful. Try to seek these qualities in your partner and make sure you take the risk to open yourself up to truly find out these qualities about someone else. This means you will need to critically analyze this person with fairness and total objectivity. In doing so, this can result in a deeper connection with this person and save you a lot of time and trouble as it will ensure you are on the right path to picking the right matches for yourself. On the other hand, if someone does not meet these basic criteria then you should not consider this person a fitting partner for yourself and have the strength to walk away. Read more