Tag Archives: breakup advice

#AskPatti: How To Get Over A Guy Who Keeps Contacting You

Ask Patti Stanger
Ugh, ugh, ugh. Let me tell you something—I can relate to this and I’m pretty sure that all women can. This situation is annoyingly common. Some douche dumps you because he’s a douche and then he won’t leave you alone to heal because he’s a double douche. Here are my steps for how to move on from this double dip of douchedom. Read more

10 Reasons To Dump Him

woman contemplates 10 reasons to leave her man
To dump or not to dump? If that’s the question bouncing around your brain, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 10 reasons you need to kick your man to the curb immediately. If any of these apply to you, run, do not walk, to the nearest break up conversation. Read more

Why women stay with abusive men: How do you close the door for good?

Abusive relationships are twisted and complicated. From the outside, it seems obvious. This woman is getting hurt, so of course she should leave. But on the inside of the relationship, the issue is far more involved. The woman is dependent on the man, if not financially, then certainly emotionally. Often there are children involved and lots of shame. Closing the door on relationships like this is so much harder than it sounds. If you’re in an abusive relationship, I urge you to seek professional help. Resources like the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−SAFE(7233) can give you the tools and help build the strength you need to leave a situation. Read more

Once a cheater, always a cheater: Fact or fiction?

I get to be a part of a lot of successful romances, hear a lot of gushing about first kisses and dance my face off at a lot of weddings. Unfortunately, it also means I hear a lot about the less swoony parts of relationships, like cheating. Cheating happens. And it happens to a lot of good people. I was recently asked, “My boyfriend, who’s been amazing to me, just admitted that he’s cheated before. I always believed ‘Once a cheater, always a cheater,’ but I can’t imagine breaking up with him for something he did to another woman. Am I being an idiot?” Read more

Love advice for Kristin and Rob

Word on the gossip mill is that Kristen spaceman slot Stewart and Robert Pattinson’s relationship is on the mend. No one but the two of them knows if that’s true. If it is, these two have a long and bumpy road to relationship recovery ahead of them. Making a relationship work after infidelity takes a lot of work, a lot of heart, a lot of tissues and a lot of nights on the pull-out sofa. Here’s what they, and any couple in a sticky post-cheating situation, need to do to get there. Read more

6 ways to detox from dating

I love love and I want everyone to have it, but that doesn't mean that you should be chasing it 24/7. No way! Taking a break from the dating scene is sometimes the best thing you can do for your romantic life. There are so many reasons why a dating detox could make sense for you. ... you need a rest from the terrible first-date merry-go-round. Hello, that sentence basically describes my 20s! Looking back, I wish I took more dating detoxes instead of jumping headlong into bad date after bad date. It got exhausting and frustrating. ... you need a break after a serious relationship ends. I sure did after my big breakup! I went months before I was ready to date, and I’m so glad I did. I used that time to heal, get to know myself better and realign my priorities. ... you’re just too busy for love. I’ve been there too. Dating the right way takes a lot of time and effort. If you don’t have the hours or the energy to spend right now, wait until you do. You’ll be more successful when the time is right -- love comes when you're ready for it. Read more