Category Archives: The Balancing Act: Dating Advice for Single Parents

Is Dating A Single Mom For You?

Looking for an independent, super woman? A single mom might be just what you need, but think before you leap; Dating a single mom isn’t for everyone. Our lives are typically busier than our kid-free counterparts so we don’t have time to play games. Getting us on a first date is the easy part, but it takes serious effort to keep us interested.  Plus, we’ll only keep you around if the relationship is a good thing for our kid too. Read more

Sex And The Single Mom: Finding Your Confidence Naked

Knocking boots with someone new as a single mom is a scary thought for a lot of people. Prior to your separation or divorce you probably shared a bed with the same person for years. Most likely, that person understood the toll a pregnancy, C-section and/or breastfeeding took on your body because they were there by your side through it all. Read more

5 Signs You’re In The Right Relationship This Time

If you’re dating with children, chances are you’re anxious about choosing the right kind of partner.  We all want our children to see us in a healthy relationship with someone who treats us right. But even if you’re lucky enough to find yourself in what seems like a great relationship, you still may be second-guessing it. Don’t worry - there’s hope for you to turn that nagging fear into confidence! Trust me, I’ve been there. Luckily after dating many wrong men, I finally found myself with the right one. Read more

Giving Up Control In A Relationship Without Losing Your Independence

Mom keeps her independence while maintaining control of her relationship with her children
The first time my current boyfriend tried to take out my garbage, I stopped him. A few days later when he offered to do my dishes after I cooked him a meal, I refused. When I told my mother, she asked me what the hell was wrong with me. I’ll be the first to admit I’m a stubborn woman. After being single for nearly five years, I’d become extremely set in my ways. Without the support of a man I had to learn how to support myself– and damn it, I do it well! Read more

Dating Exclusively Before Diving Into A Relationship

Since becoming a single mom more than five years ago, I’ve gone through a lot of changes – especially in my dating life. I’m sure many single parents can relate. For awhile I bounced back and forth between playing the field and not dating at all to focus on my son and myself.  At the time, seeing a man one or two times and then moving on to the next was easier for me than anything committal.  Casually dating meant I didn’t have to worry about getting my heart broken, giving up my freedom or introducing anyone to my son. Read more

Dating With Kids: Tips For Introducing Your New Boyfriend

A single mom introduces her boyfriend to her child
So you've finally met someone. You go, girl! Wondering if it's getting serious enough for this amazing man to meet your kid? While some single moms choose to introduce new boyfriends right away, others wait. It's really a matter of preference. I've always been a waiter. I'm pretty picky about the men I bring into my own life, so you can imagine how picky I am about who I bring into my son's. I've never wanted to introduce someone to him and a few months later have to explain why "so-and-so" isn't around anymore. Read more