Tag Archives: women

The Truth About How Men and Women are Wired

I want to take you on a journey right now to, well, probably the first lesson you ever learned from an adult when it came down to meeting boys and meeting girls. I remember the first time my father and I sat down after I had a crush on somebody in 5th grade and she blew me off. My father was never great with advice at all. As a matter of fact he was one of the worst advisors I have ever had. I told him about my crush, and told him it didn't work and I was all upset, and he looked at me and he said, “Well, girls, women, can't live with them, can't live without them,” and he started laughing. Read more

Why Men Think Women Are Crazy: 2 Reasons

Hang around with a group of men on a Sunday afternoon watching football and the conversation will always turn to women being crazy. Now, before you get all nuts and crazy about what I just said, listen carefully. Read carefully. Because crazy is not bad. Men think women are crazy because that's the only way that they can rationalize how different you really are from them. Let's go deeper into this with reason number one. Read more

When its OK for women to be hunters

By now you know I truly believe that men are hunters. It might be biological or it might be socialized, I’m not sure. No matter how they get that way, they just are. Men like to go after what they want and the more of a chase and struggle it is to catch it, the more valuable the prize is. That’s why I tell women to let men hunt them. It sounds way more violent than I mean it, though. What I mean is play the game. Let the chase happen. Don’t make it easy for dudes. Your relationship has more of chance of flourishing if you follow these old school rules. They’re old school for a reason! They work. If they didn’t, they’d just be forgotten rules. But, for every rule, there’s an exception. And in this case, there are three exceptions. Here are three times it’s OK for women to flip the script and be the hunters themselves. Read more

3 Reason Why I Love Women

Sitting here tonight I started thinking about why I love women so much and where it all started. My love of women started at a very young age. I loved my mother. I protected my mother. I honored my mother. My mother was batshit crazy, but I loved her. I always made sure she was feeling good. It was my job in the house to make sure my mother was feeling good. Read more

How Instagram Has Become The New Victoria’s Secret

I remember when I was a teenager. There was the thrill of diving into the dumpster behind my house and pulling out my dad's Playboys that he threw away, and taking them up to my room. Looking at the naked pictures, getting turned on and masturbating. I used to hide my Playboys between the mattress and the box springs, so my mom wouldn’t see them and would never know what I was doing. Read more

Why You Love Chocolate and He Loves Bacon

Bacon and chocolate
Is our biology, more specifically our gender, responsible for our food cravings? Are women programmed to reach for a chocolate truffle or a candy bar, while men are wired for chicken wings? Scientific research has provided some hypotheses and a few studies, but for now this is what we know for sure: the differences between men and women probably have less to do with physiology and more to do with our early access to various foods. And by early access, I mean early—as in caveman days. According to David Katz, director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, our modern-day preferences can be explained by evolution. Read more