Tag Archives: text

The Biggest Texting Mistake You Can Make

I don't know about you, but sometimes texting can really drive me crazy. A lot of people abuse it and never get on the phone and even talk. And they'll text you non-stop throughout the day and night. Now look, I definitely abuse texting at certain points of my life, and there's certain people that I've had text relationships with. So I'm not claiming complete innocence here at all. But there's one thing about texting that I think everybody needs to follow. One rule, one rule that shows Read more

How, Why, And What To Text A Man

I want every woman to read this and every man to shake their head and go oh, man, I can't believe he’s going there. Look, I know the majority of women out there would prefer a phone call over a text, to be able to hear somebody's voice, to be able to hear the sound of the voice and be able to connect to the voice. But texting is kind of here to stay for the time being, and just wait until virtual reality. Then texting is gone. Read more

What kind of texting should you do between dates?

You’ve gone on a couple good dates with a guy. You like him and are excited about the potential you two have, but you’re not actually dating yet. It’s a fun period of a relationship to be in. So much fantasizing about the future, flirting and fun. It’s one of my favorite stages of the dating game! With that all said, it’s also one of the most stressful moments in dating game, too. There’s a lot that can change on a dime, feelings are uncertain and it seems like one little mistake can bring the whole future relationship tumbling down. And that’s why texting feels so high stakes! It’s tough to figure out what’s over texting, what’s under texting, what’s the right thing to send and what’s the wrong thing. Well, let me help you out. Here are some guidelines. Read more

No Text Back: Why it’s OK he didn’t text you back

NO TEXT BACK?? You went on a great date. Or maybe a few dates. And you thought he was interested in you. There was some texting or calling for a while and then suddenly, there’s not. The flirty back and forth slows down and then grinds to a halt. You sent the last text. What do you do? My advice is to embrace it. Screw being bummed about a dude who didn’t text back. It’s actually a really good thing for you. And here’s why. Read more