Q: Dear Emily,In many of your Podcasts, I’ve heard you talk about “Jackhammer Sex”, and how men should stop doing it immediately. After hearing it for the third or fourth time, I realized something. My partner is guilty of the Jackhammer, too! I thought it was totally normal to have sex this way, and didn’t really mind it, but now I’m wondering. If not the jackhammer, then what? What are some alternatives to Jackhammer sex?
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Tag Archives: sex

“Let’s try bondage. I want you to tie me up and do me,” is something most men don’t mind hearing.
My friend, let’s call him George, has waited his whole life for a woman to say these words. George is the kind of bloke who admits he watches porn all the time after a couple Old Fashions. They always confess to the sex expert that they want to tie a woman up just like in their favorite porn… Read more

I know, you already know how to give a blow job. I used to think so too when I first started my career as a sexologist. Then I talked to hundreds of men and women about their preferences and techniques. I was still pretty convinced I knew how to perform like a champ, but then I met Conner Habib, a gay man who happens to do porn (listen to my podcast with Conner Habib here). If anyone knows how to give a blow job it’s going to be a gay porn star. Here’s some of my advice, Conner’s advice, and all the advice I’ve received from my Sex with Emily listeners combined into one glorious blow job.
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Sex tapes have been a "hot topic" for a while now. From Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, to the new movie starring Cameron Diaz, sex tapes get people talking. But what happens when your partner wants to make one? Is it the best idea or should you steer clear? As always, Emily has your answer.
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Even if you think masturbation is the only thing you’ve mastered in adulthood, there are always new ways to do you. Think about it this way: would you have sex with the same person, the exact same way every time? I didn’t think so. Then why would you treat yourself that way? As Woody Allen put it, “masturbation is sex with someone you love.”
Get out your trusty vibrator and treat yourself with these 8 ways to make masturbation even better: Read more

Hey Emily!
I've been with my boyfriend for three-and-a-half years and the sex is great! We both get wonderful pleasure from each other and are open to trying new moves. My issue (one that has been evident from the start of the relationship) is that I am always in the driver’s seat when it comes to our sexual experiences. I always make the first move. I have tried to talk to him about it but he’s not willing to do anything differently. It feels like he doesn’t even want to have sex with me unless I make him. Read more