Tag Archives: relationship advice

Moving in before the ring: Why I don’t think you should

I see both sides on a lot of situations. Chocolate or vanilla. Jacob or Edward. Jeggings or leggings. But when it comes to moving in before the ring, I see only one side. Don’t move in with your guy until you have a ring. No ifs, ands, buts, howevers or whatevers about it. I know it’s not a popular opinion, but my PattiKnows-ers, you know that popularity is nothing I worry about. I’ve seen clients do it, friends do it and celebrities do it. And every time I’m there at the end to say, “I told you so.” Here’s why I think it’s a massive mistake. Read more

5 Destinations to meet men during summertime

At this point in the year, we’re all in countdown mode to summertime. Memorial Day, you can’t get here soon enough. Hurry! One of the many, many things I love about summer is that it’s a great time for singles to mingle, meet and create lasting relationships. Did you read that closely? I wrote “lasting relationships.” Not “summer flings.” I’m very against the seasonal fling. But back to the point, summer is a great time to meet new people because the nice weather brings everyone out. Here are five great destinations to meet men during the summertime. Read more

10 Ways to get your relationship stress on a zen level

You know that happy couple that’s so blissfully in love they never have an ounce of stress and spend every single second just hearting each other to pieces with no mixed feelings? Yeah, me neither. Because that couple doesn’t exist. Every single relationship involves some level of stress. Money, relationship status, in-laws, friends, social situations, basically anything and everything can bring stress into your relationship. So here are 10 ways to get your relationship-related stress a little more under control. Hope they help you out. Read more

Red flags that say, “I’m not ready to get married!”

We’ve all been there, ladies. You’re dating a dude, and you’re on the verge of tipping the scales from casual dating to serious monogamy, but you’re not sure if this guy is marriage material. You don’t want to ask him because, well, talking about marriage only a few weeks into a relationship could make you sound crazy. But you kind of want to know because what’s the point of getting serious with someone you’re not going to marry? I mean, raise your hand if you haven’t been there. This is really, really common. While I’m always a proponent of open communication, I understand why you wouldn’t want to point blank ask him about marriage so early on in a relationship. So I created a little checklist for you to go over and see if he has any of these red flags. Read more

Can a no-sex-for-30-days challenge help a hurting relationship?

I recently got asked if I thought a no-sex-for-30-days challenge could help a hurting relationship. My answer was, “Um, WHAAAT?” Seriously, is that a thing? People are purposely trying to avoid sex with their partners for a full month because they think it will improve their relationships? While this might help some couples, I fear that it could also serious hurt the relationships of other couples. So instead of entertaining this question with a long answer, I’m going to give you guys some ideas about the flip side on what else you could do every day for 30 days that could really strengthen your relationship. Read more

How to accept his guilty pleasures

Guilty pleasures — you have them. I have them. We all do. Then why is it so shocking when a man has them? I really don’t know. But I do know that I’m always floored whenever a new guy reveals one of his guilty little pleasures to me. Of course it makes sense, though. Peanut butter on a spoon knows no gender! And neither does rotten TV, dirty talk in the bedroom or porn. Well, actually, I guess porn does know some gender, but still. You get what I’m saying, right? Guys have guilty pleasures too, and if you want your relationship to work, you need to accept his little indulgences as part of him. Here’s how. Read more