Tag Archives: monogamy

Can You Have “Hot” Monogamy?

Couple engages in "hot" monogamy
Lately, the topic of swinging has come up a lot in my office. For those who might be out of the loop, swinging is when singles or partners in a committed relationship engage in sexual activities with others as a recreational or social activity. Married couples will often choose to swing in the hopes of keeping their marriage exciting, alive, and full of passion. Swinging is becoming vastly more popular, especially in the suburbs, and I find that my clients broach this topic with me on a pretty consistent basis. They usually want to know if it’s possible to have a monogamous long-term relationship full of spark and interest, or if trying something like swinging is necessary as a way to keep things exciting with their partner. Read more

#AskPatti: Dating to monogamy, a guy who lives with his ex, social media jealousy & more!

Hello again, tweethearts! I have missed your tweeting little faces! How have you darlings been? I’ve been so stinking busy! It’s a good kind of busy, of course. I mean, I’m someone who thrives on a busy schedule. But I’m also dying for a night at home with Netflix and a glass of wine and my baby. You know what I mean? Anyway, one thing I always look forward to having on my schedule, no matter how busy I am, is writing my #AskPatti column and responding to all of your questions. So, let’s not waste any time! Read more

#AskPatti: Inexperienced men, how to avoid dating more jerks, first date advice & more!

Ask Patti Stanger
Hello, my holiday hams! (That’s weird, right? Never writing that again, I promise.) I’m already feeling like 2013 is going to be my best holiday season ever. It just feels more festive and fun than any other December I can remember. Plus, I’ve found matches for an even higher than usual number of my millionaires in the past few weeks. And that always feels special. I love getting matches done right before the holidays so new couples can celebrate together. Enough about me and onto you! Here are your questions from the week. Read more