Tag Archives: health advice

It’s My Metabolism! Or is it?

Woman loses weight but not because of her metabolism
Sound familiar?  If you’re carrying a few extra pounds it’s tempting to blame a sluggish metabolism. But what is metabolism really? Metabolism is the sum total of all the chemical reactions in the body. Most of us think of metabolism only as a calorie-burning phenomenon—a body process that relates to thermic efficiency. But this definition alone is inadequate. Relying on it may explain why the approaches to metabolism we’re accustomed to, such as exercise and diets that “kick-start” it, are not effective. Read more

4 Tricks to Get Your Couch Potato Active

Man sits on couch watching tv
In a perfect world, the people we are romantically interested in would share most of our interests, goals and passions. It's easy to date someone when these things completely line up, but not at all realistic. Part of what makes dating so fun-and unpredictable-is that we often fall for people who are different from us, people who aren't interested in the same things or don't share a common lifestyle. It's great to broaden your horizons but what happens when the person you're dating  and really like doesn't share your healthy lifestyle? If your idea of a fun Saturday includes a strenuous early morning hike and a green juice while your significant other prefers to sleep in and watch Netflix all day, it might seem like the relationship is doomed. However, with a little compromise, it is possible to find common ground. Read more

Is Your Cleansing Diet Worth the Headache?

Juicer extracting juice from vegetables
Do you feel like your body needs a re-boot?  Are you tempted to drink your way back into your summer bikini with a juice cleanse or fast?

Squeezing Out Food

We all encounter chemicals in our foods (colorants and preservatives), water (chlorine), and air (carbon monoxide). These toxins build up in the body and cause inflammation and a weakened immune system, making us easy prey for colds, headaches, arthritis and serious illnesses like cancer and heart disease.  The theory behind juice cleanses is that when the body is free from the burden of digestion, it can better expel the toxins we take in resulting in optimum health, a mental advantage and guaranteed weight loss. Read more