Tag Archives: advice

What to do if your friend’s boyfriend is too good for her

This whole blog post is a major breach of girl code. I’m well aware of that. But, I felt like I had to write it after I was a guest at a lovely dinner party where I was seated next to a couple where the woman was terrible to the man. She berated him in front of me, a total stranger, was competitive with him and was totally boring while he was a dreamy conversationalist. After the party, I sent a gossipy text to my host asking about this couple and she responded that she was so conflicted about that couple. Read more

Exactly what you need to do when his texts are confusing

One of my best girlfriends is going through it with a new man. The two of them had a long flirtation with a lot of texting, a good week and a half of dating that was incredibly romantic and then, suddenly, their interactions are now limited to lame texts. It’s driving her so nuts that she’s about to crawl out of her skin. She’s really confused. How could weeks of flirting and then some actual dating devolve into infrequent and thoughtless texting with no mention of getting together? It’s an awful spot that I think anyone who’s dated a bunch will recognize. Read more

5 Times it’s OK for you to lie to your boo

You guys know that I’m all about open and honest communication. But, don’t get it twisted, that doesn’t mean I think you need to be honest with your boo at all times. In fact, I think a little lie every now and then can be really helpful for a relationship. Here are five instances where I think it’s OK to lie to your lover. And, if I’m being fully honest, I think you actually should lie! Read more

What your millionaire’s future travel plans say about your relationship

Spring has sprung and it’s time for warm weather and sunshine... which often means more travel! Something about the cold makes us all want to hibernate. It must be in our DNA to stay put and nest when it’s freezing. Once that snow melts, though, it’s time to open our doors and our passports and get traveling. When you’re dating a millionaire, travel can be a big part of their schedule and therefore, a big part of your life. If you’re unsure of where you stand with your millionaire, their upcoming travel plans can be really telling about your relationship. Here’s what their travel plans say. Read more

3 Kinda insane New Year’s resolutions everyone in a couple needs to make

It’s a new year. And if you’re in a relationship, you may think that romance and dating resolutions don’t apply to you. But, they certainly can! If you make a few small resolutions and commit to them, you can improve on your relationship and make it even better and more loving. I need you to trust me here because on the surface, these resolutions sound really bizarre. But, believe me, they’re effective. Read more

3 Kinda insane New Year’s resolutions every single girl needs to make

You’re seeing diet commercials non-stop, your mailbox is full of membership deals from local gyms and all of your Facebook ads are for meditation apps. Yep, it’s the new year and it’s time for New Year’s resolutions. Personally, I don’t think you have to wait for a new year to start fresh. After all, every single morning is an opportunity for a fresh start. But, if flipping a calendar page is motivating to you, I say use that momentum and start working toward your goals. If you happen to be a single girl looking for a man, I have three resolutions you need to make. And I know they sound out there, but trust me on these. They work. Read more