No Sex Without Self Love

Woman looks in the mirror in order to learn to love herself
I am a 22 year old millennial dating in a world where communication is not valued, break ups happen via text, and your relationship is not official unless you’re FBO. (Facebook official) On my radio program, The Chelsea Krost Show, we have talked about everything regarding love, sex, orgasms, and relationships. Interestingly enough, there is always a recurring pattern that each expert stresses as the key to having a healthy relationship. Read more

Dealing with being blow off

Frustrated woman deals with being blown off
Dealing with a blow off is never fun. We’ve all been there and often the worst blow off comes from a guy. As women, we believe that we should have the power because we have the pussy. But that’s not always the case. I’ve been blown off one too many times and have come across a few gems from a few assholes. Here are my top three blow offs: Read more

Are You Just A Booty Call?

Do you have men calling or texting you during the night asking you to talk dirty? Are you actually in a relationship with these guys, or are they just “friends?” If you’re not dating them, you’ve become nothing more than a booty call. You’re nothing but the female voice he calls when he’s on his own, and feels horny. He could watch porn, but tonight feels like some real interaction with a woman. Lucky you! Read more

#AskPatti: Friendship, STDs, online dating & more!

Ask Patti Stanger
I can’t believe we’re already this far into January! Is it just me, or is 2014 flying already? Before you know it, it’s going to be Valentine’s Day! Speaking of, I’d love to answer any and everything you’ve ever wondered about Valentine’s Day. Would you please tweet your questions at me from now until February 14th with the #AskPatti hashtag and I’ll do my best to get every single one of them answered. Now, onto this week’s questions. Read more

Is Your First Date A Player Or A Keeper?

A woman decides if her man is a player or keeper
It’s 2014 and time for you to enjoy some better success from your dating life. Let’s see if we can help you avoid the cheats, the players, and the man-boys whose knees tremble at the thought of commitment. Let’s see if we can help you meet a hot, confident, strong, and emotionally evolved man, ready to settle down and commit. Sounds great right? But how can we help you avoid another year of dating let-downs? Here are 3 ways to screen your first dates, so you can spot the men from the boys and the players from the keepers. Watch out man-boys. Your game is up! Read more

The Wolf of Dating

Join David and I for this weeks podcast, called ‘The Wolf of Dating’. We talked about the new movie “The Wolf of Wallstreet” and how it can transform your dating life. No, we're not talking about getting people to invest in some weird penny stock scheme, so that you can go take your love interest to a great restaurant. We're talking about mind set and how you can become a wolf in your dating life. Read more