Nobody needs to be taught a lesson. But you should know that if you give a rival enough rope, he/she will gladly do the rest.

Are you pushing someone to make a complicated decision for you? It may explain your recent orneriness. You make the choices – nobody else.

You’re susceptible to opinions now and should be careful. People often advise others to do things they never would. Be skeptical.

The next 3 _ weeks will be emotionally intense as people come to you with problems. But they don’t need answers – just a shoulder to lean on.

Venus in Leo gives you the Midas touch thru July 21st. It’s the perfect time to invest and buy – and to unload (for a profit) some loser prospects.

You haven’t come this far to settle for a stopgap measure. Don’t be thrown off by people’s protests. Who cares if they’re inconvenienced?