Get More Foreplay

Young couple engage in foreplay
Are you dating a guy who’s not as into foreplay as you’d like him to be? Recently I was talking to a friend of mine. She was with a guy she really liked, and he was good to her too. “But here’s the thing David.” She said. “He never goes down on me. I just don’t understand it. We’ve been together nearly two years and I really love him, but I’d love him to give me some great oral sex sometimes. How can I get him to give me foreplay?” Read more

Can You Have “Hot” Monogamy?

Couple engages in "hot" monogamy
Lately, the topic of swinging has come up a lot in my office. For those who might be out of the loop, swinging is when singles or partners in a committed relationship engage in sexual activities with others as a recreational or social activity. Married couples will often choose to swing in the hopes of keeping their marriage exciting, alive, and full of passion. Swinging is becoming vastly more popular, especially in the suburbs, and I find that my clients broach this topic with me on a pretty consistent basis. They usually want to know if it’s possible to have a monogamous long-term relationship full of spark and interest, or if trying something like swinging is necessary as a way to keep things exciting with their partner. Read more

G-spot Orgasm, Anyone?

Some people consider the G-spot the holy grail of female sexual pleasure, while others question its very existence. Scientists declared in 2011 that the G-spot is an extension of the clitoris and completely made up. All I know is that little bunch of nerve endings can provide a whole lot of pleasure, if you know how to find and pleasure it. Read more

Beautifully Inconspicuous

Celebrity maintains her beauty through surgeries that aren't noticable
If you live in the United States and ever spend time in a grocery store line, surfing the web, or watching television—in other words, if you are alive, you know that there is a never ending fascination with celebrity culture: We want to know who’s doing what, when, where, and with who… And when it comes to plastic surgery, it’s always exciting to hear that someone rich and famous had something done to themselves and ended up looking funny. Read more

9 Things People In New Relationships Never Want To Hear

woman in a relationship blocks out the things she doesnt want to hear
It’s been a while since I’ve been a newbie in a relationship, but I still think back on those early days of dating David a lot. So much excitement! So much romance! So many annoying questions! I don’t know what it is about new relationships, but they definitely turn on the annoying faucet when it comes to comments from friends and family. Instead of just being happy for you and supportive, everyone had to throw in their two cents. Here are my top 9 things people in new relationships never want to hear. Read more

Get Over Your Ex Today

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