Dating in Atlanta

Use Your “Guy”PS


Where are all the single men? This has been the age old question since the beginning of time. I truly believe even single cave women were asking where are all the cave men.  The truth is there is no magical place all the single men of the world congregate where we can take a pilgrimage to and rescue them from their singledom.  Single women however, are EVERYWHERE. Like literally, EVERYWHERE! Go to any mall, salon, nail shop, shoe store, sidewalk and you’ll find at least fifty if that few.  Single guys on the other hand aren’t that easy to locate. Sure they go shopping for the occasional fruit of the loom shirt and get the quarterly haircut now and then, but where do they go to just…BE? Someone should seriously work on inventing a “Guy”PS to help pinpoint where the single guys are in your area and give you step by step directions to them.

For whatever reason, people seem to think I have the answer to this question. I get asked this at least once a week.  Where can we go to meet single men (as if I’m hiding them somewhere)? After getting asked so many times, I give them an honest (yet smart ass answer). I tell them to hang outside of any men’s restroom. They’re bound to run into one or two there.

After they finish cursing me out or flipping me the bird, I get down to the nitty gritty. Meeting single guys is not as hard as everyone thinks. Our lives are divided into 3 categories:  Things we HAVE to do, Things we WANT to do, and Things we HAVEN’T DONE.

Nine times out of ten, we have our go to grocery stores, bank branches, even a go to gas station that we frequent. However, meeting someone new can be as simple as switching up your daily routine.

Let’s start with the things we HAVE to do: We have to eat, we have to get gas for our cars (if you have one), we have to go to the bank from time to time, etc. And when we do these things, we call it “running errands”. But they are things we ALL have to do at some point or another. Nine times out of ten, we have our go to grocery stores, bank branches, even a go to gas station that we frequent. However, meeting someone new can be as simple as switching up your daily routine. So let your “Guy”PS take you to a different grocery store. Go to a different bank branch location AND go inside instead of going through the drive thru line. Try going to the gas station and pay inside instead of paying at the pump (my friends say I’m NOTORIOUS for meeting guys at the gas station lol). These little changes allow you to potentially come in contact with people you might not otherwise come in contact with.

We disconnect ourselves from the world so much with automated services, delivery services, etc., that meeting people in an organic setting is almost extinct. When we do find ourselves in a setting where we can meet people, we’re too busy “being social” on our smartphones, and ipads that we forget to socialize with the people right in front of us. And THEN wonder why we can’t seem to meet anyone.

We disconnect ourselves from the world so much with automated services, delivery services, etc., that meeting people in an organic setting is almost extinct.

Second are the things we WANT to do: Let your “Guy”PS take you someplace within your element. I truly believe it’s easier to meet someone when you’re at a place you enjoy. You like music? Go to a concert, listening party, etc. Are you into politics? Join someone’s campaign team. You like food? Join a dinner club. The possibilities are endless. You just have to sit down and really think about what it is that you do that genuinely makes you happy. Websites like really help with finding your niche and more importantly finding other people who share your love for that niche.

Lastly, are the things we HAVEN’T done. To get something you’ve never gotten, sometimes you have to do things you’ve never done. Think outside the box and let the “Guy”PS take you to unknown territory.  Go to the airport one day and just do a little people watching. Guys are in the airport. And one thing you know for sure: these guys are going places (literally). Partake in sporting events. Not just the ones you’re somewhat familiar with like basketball and football, but the ones that don’t get as much hype. In Georgia, the PGA tour takes place right down the street from Atlanta in Augusta, GA and is a VERY big deal! Take a trip and get you a hole in one and maybe a guy to go along with it! Have you volunteered for a cause you truly believe in before? You’d be amazed how many people you meet when your attention is focused on a greater purpose.

To get something you’ve never gotten, sometimes you have to do things you’ve never done. Think outside the box and let the “Guy”PS take you to unknown territory.

As you go out and try some of these new methods to locating singles on your “Guy”PS, Remember three things: Take in the scenery in front of you,  embrace the unknown, and above all enjoy the journey just as much as the destination.


Alone in Atlanta
