
Daily horoscopes: November 4, 2016


(March 20 – April 19):

Things have a funny way of working out when Uranus is strong. You may have lost your lead only to discover a better way to get what you want.


(April 20 – May 20):

Reconnect to a heartfelt purpose. It will bring you joy plus it resuscitates a neglected talent left to languish.


(May 21 – June 20):

Don’t treat your everyday life like it’s wallpaper or you’ll miss out on the opportunities tucked between the cracks.


(June 21 – July 21):

If there was ever a time to make your presence known and to prove you deserve top dollar: it’s now.


(July 22 – Aug. 22):

What do you do when the chemistry’s right but the person’s all wrong? That’s the dilemma you’ll face when Venus trines Uranus. Take a chance and go against type.


(Aug. 23 – Sept. 22):

Think outside your comfort zone of to-do lists and bullet point concerns. It’s time to lead with your hopes and dreams.


(Sept. 23 – Oct. 22):

The Venus/Uranus trine shows a past amour making a reappearance. It’s your chance to get it right or to tell this person off.


(Oct. 23 – Nov. 21):

Someone’s convinced you can do wonders. Whether you can remains to be seen, but give it your best shot. You may surprise yourself.


(Nov. 22 – Dec. 20):

Venus in Sagittarius emphasizes all of your standout qualities and none of your accommodating ones. Tell fools to approach cautiously. You won’t suffer them gladly.


(Dec. 21 – Jan. 19):

It may feel like you’ve come full circle only to wind up back where you began but you’ve been enriched by journey and deepened by the experience.


(Jan. 20 – Feb. 17):

You take friendship more seriously than most. The end result is an extraordinary spectrum of personalities in your life – each as unique and irreplaceable as the other.


(Feb. 18 – March 19):

Sandwiched between different views, it’s hard to know which path to follow. Try a little this, a little that, and see what comes out in the mix.
