Monthly Archives: March 2018

Would a sex cleanse be good for your relationship?

First of all, what is a sex cleanse? To be as basic as possible, it’s when you cleanse your relationship of all the sex you’re having. You press pause on having sex of all kinds so you can focus on improving your relationship. A typical cleanse is about cleaning up your diet so you can feel better and expel specific toxins from your body. Same thing with a sex cleanse. Use it to clean up your relationship and get rid of whatever’s toxic between you two. Not sure if your relationship needs a sex cleanse? Here are three questions to help you figure it out. Read more

Daily horoscopes: March 1, 2018


(March 20 - April 19):

Changes at work are in response to long-ignored problems.  What looks like backsliding is actually the foundation being made more secure.


(April 20 - May 20):

The full Moon will be opposite Neptune today.  Translation?  For all the big talk, people will alter their positions on an hourly basis - so hang tough. Read more
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