Tag Archives: couple

4 Tips for deciding how to spend your first Thanksgiving as a couple

The first year of a relationship is filled with love and sex and romance... and compromise. So much compromise. One of the tougher compromises is figuring out how you two are going to celebrate the major holidays as a couple. It’s hard because there’s a lot of expectation and pressure from families around holidays. So, here are four tips to help you negotiate this compromise a bit more easily during thanksgiving. Read more

3 Kinda insane New Year’s resolutions everyone in a couple needs to make

It’s a new year. And if you’re in a relationship, you may think that romance and dating resolutions don’t apply to you. But, they certainly can! If you make a few small resolutions and commit to them, you can improve on your relationship and make it even better and more loving. I need you to trust me here because on the surface, these resolutions sound really bizarre. But, believe me, they’re effective. Read more