Tag Archives: marriage

Boys mature more slowly than girls. It’s a fact of life we’ve known since some twerp pulled our ponytail on the playground and thought it was flirting. That immaturity follows gender lines way into adulthood. And it gets more annoying along the way, especially in terms of relationships. It’s hard to be with someone who isn’t feeling the same emotions you are or in the same life stage, even if you are similar ages. A lot of my girlfriends complain about this when they’re ready to move in together or get married. Their long-term boyfriend doesn’t feel ready yet. It’s a real struggle a lot of couples go through. So, here’s some advice for how to deal. Read more

You found the dude you’re going to marry... you think. He has everything you’ve ever hoped for in a partner and is basically perfect except for one small thing... he won’t get down on one knee and pop the question. You’ve been waiting and waiting, but there have been no steps forward toward engagement. I get it, girl. I’ve been there myself. This can be totally infuriating and make you question your entire relationship. Before you totally spin out, take a deep breath and keep reading. Here are five things to do if your man just won’t propose. Read more

Short engagements are the new norm and I’m so here for it. I’ve gotten so many excited “I got the ring!” calls and then invites to the wedding in just a few months or even weeks. This is a big change from the traditional year engagement, or even longer. Historically, people have waited that long because they need the time to plan the wedding Read more

I’ve been noticing a trend of very short engagements. I’m talking short short. Like a few months to even a few weeks. Generally, engagements last for a year to a year and a half. But, not any more. That timeframe is getting smaller and smaller. And I’m so here for it. Here’s why. Read more

Tell me if this sounds familiar – You’ve been with your man for a bit and it suddenly feels like instead of being happy for you, everyone’s pivoted to asking you about your marriage plans. It’s freaking annoying, right? Do they think you’ve never thought about marriage? Never even heard of marriage? Come on, people. Obviously, it’s on your mind, too. Read more

I’m a huge proponent of women managing their own freaking money. Too many women I know let the men in their lives completely manage their finances with no visibility into their own dough. That’s a recipe for disaster. I know money stuff isn’t fun. But, sorry to break it to you – you’re an adult and not having fun is part of the job. So, put on your big girl panties and own your finances, even when they’re joint finances. That being said, some women don’t have all of their money in joint accounts. Read more