Tag Archives: diet

Slip into Your Summer Bikini by Staying Diet Free

Woman enjoys the sun in a bikini
Spring has sprung, and so have we.  Summer is right around the corner, yet our winter body spills over the new bedazzled bikini we felt sure to slip into this year.  And why shouldn’t we expect a bikini bod?  We followed through on the post holiday cleanse craze making the rounds with celebs and real people alike that guaranteed a ten-pound weight loss- right? Read more

Why You Love Chocolate and He Loves Bacon

Bacon and chocolate
Is our biology, more specifically our gender, responsible for our food cravings? Are women programmed to reach for a chocolate truffle or a candy bar, while men are wired for chicken wings? Scientific research has provided some hypotheses and a few studies, but for now this is what we know for sure: the differences between men and women probably have less to do with physiology and more to do with our early access to various foods. And by early access, I mean early—as in caveman days. According to David Katz, director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, our modern-day preferences can be explained by evolution. Read more

Dieting and Dating: Having a Mind of Your Own

Woman contemplates dieting
Keep dating the wrong guy, again and again? Jump from one restrictive diet to the next, only to lose and gain the weight many times over? If this sounds familiar, it’s time to look for patterns of behavior, and the answer may be simpler than you think. Believe it or not, ineffective dieting and disheartening dating have something in common. You! Instant gratification is the new normal for many of us. Quick fixes and gimmicks only feed the need to have the ideal partner or a svelte body now. This impatience spills over into the most important aspects of our lives—our love affairs and general well-being. In our haste, we lose touch with the values required to sustain good relationships and a naturally healthy weight. I’m here to tell you there is no sidestepping the requirement for thoughtful, deliberate and honest evaluation of yourself as you seek the perfect eating plan or a soul mate for life. Read more

The Super Sex Diet

chocolate cake in the shape of a heart
Here’s a dilemma: a choice between a big old piece of rich, gooey chocolate cake or rock-your-world sex. Tough call—right? That’s because food and sex are two of the most powerful and closely related human desires. Both the sensual gratifications of a decadent sweet and mind-blowing sex literally turn on the pleasure receptors in the brain. Feed Your Libido Have a rendezvous with food in the kitchen and in the bedroom and double your pleasure. With my Super Sex Diet you won’t have to decide between a great romp and a rich dessert. Here’s how… Read more

Tips for season’s eatings

November and December are tempting in every which way when it comes to dining. Between family meals, holiday parties and all of the treats that are bound to find their way into your office and home, the odds of overindulging and consequently packing on a few extra pounds are at their highest. I have a few rules of thumb I try to follow throughout Thanksgiving, December holidays and New Year's Eve so that I can kick off the New Year on the right foot. First off, apply the same rule to fruitcakes, Christmas cookies and other seasonal treats that you would to your Halloween candy — share! There is nothing wrong with “re-gifting” these sweets — to your doorman, your manicurist, your babysitter. Spread the joy! Read more