Patti's Blog

How to not feel awkward as a new couple




Anyone else reading all of these bloggers rip Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan apart and shaking their head? Everyone on the internet is saying Dakota and Jamie have no chemistry together and maybe even hate each other based on how they’ve been behaving during their PR run up to the release of Fifty Shades of Grey. People are reading way too much into this. Look, they’re two very talented actors. They’re good at their jobs. And that skill doesn’t necessarily mean they’re great at being themselves on camera. They’re feeling awkward. That’s it! Sheesh! Anyway, it got me thinking about how being a new couple in general can be really awkward, especially the first few times you make an appearance as an official duo. So, I thought I’d help you out!

Know that everyone’s rooting for you

Showing up to a party or even a double date with a new guy can be really stressful. I totally get that. But, when you think about it, what are you really stressing about? It’s probably what other people think about him and you two together. But, you don’t need to sweat that at all. You’re introducing him to your friends and family. Those are the people who love you most. So, all they want is for you to be happy and fall in love with the right guy. The whole room of people you’re nervous to see is actually a group of your own personal relationship cheerleaders. Think of them that way. See? Nothing to be nervous about.


Talk before and after

Don’t bottle up your nerves and get weird with your guy. Talk him through everything you’re feeling both before and after the meet and greet. He’s probably feeling the same way and getting it out in the open will make you both feel more at ease. Also, you can give each other pointers about how to rock that first new couple debut. I once had a boyfriend who told me that I couldn’t mention to his family that I liked the Dallas Cowboys and as long as I didn’t utter anything positive about that team, I’d be golden. Frankly, I don’t really care about the Dallas Cowboys, so it wasn’t that hard. But, knowing that my man had prepped me to have the best time possible made me feel a lot more comfortable going into the event. Do the same for your guy. It’s not telling him to fake anything, just letting him know how to put his best foot forward.


Focus on the feels

Don’t let awkwardness ruin a fun time. Instead of spending your energy thinking about how awky everything is, focus on how much you like this new guy. It’s amazing that you found someone you like enough to bring to meet your important friends and family. It’s a huge step in a relationship and you should be celebrating it instead of stressing it! Every time you feel a pang of awkwardness, force your brain to think about how special you feel with this new man and I bet you’ll suddenly be feeling a whole lot less awkward!
Anyone out there going to see Fifty Shades of Grey this weekend? I think I might! Let me know in the comments if you liked it and what you thought of the chemistry in the movie!
