An attraction intensifies over the next few weeks. Maybe you should let loose a little? Passion is good for the heart and soul.
Monthly Archives: April 2024

This is an industrious time when you work hard and will achieve a lot. You’ll impress those who underestimated you.

Today is the first day of the rest your life. You will feel more alive and like your “real” self than you have in months.

Loved ones are unusually demanding and you’re tempted to retaliate, but someone has to be the designated adult. You always want to take the high road when others take the low.

Neptune can do some serious damage to your hard-as-nails reputation when it conjoins Mars. This combination of cosmic energies makes you sensitive, dreamy, and worse – weepy.

People aren’t being misleading, however they are being misled. You’ll know where things stand after May 9th.