Are you really into having the same argument again? Surprise the opposition and agree with what they say. You’ll see them back down.
Monthly Archives: February 2023

Take time to digest what’s going on because a setback holds the key to advancement.

You’re not exactly thrilled with the constructive criticism, but it’s constructive nonetheless. This person is only trying to make your brilliance shine even more.

A sibling (or in-law) feels bad about asking for help – hence their curt tone. Be accepting and you’ll get a full-bodied show of appreciation later in the week.

You look upon professional skirmishes as all in a day’s work, however they’re taking a toll on loved ones. What happens at the office should stay at the office.

Someone says you must choose but actually you don’t have to. Put the ball back in their court and an ultimatum gets downgraded to a suggestion.