Tag Archives: husband

3 Real solutions for a husband who’s a slob

Some men are messy - a slob. And for whatever reason, those men always seem to end up with neat women. I’m not sure why, but it’s a fact that’s proven time and time again by people I know. All of my neatest female friends are with the messiest men. Maybe it’s an opposites attract thing? Does anyone else notice this pattern? I find this “neat + messy = love” equation so fascinating because I’m not sure how it works. I flipped my lid when I lived with messy roommates in college! Not sure I could put up with a messy life partner. So Read more

3 Ways to change the dynamic when your husband acts like one of the kids

It’s an old adage that a man will eventually treat his wife the same way he treats his mother. So, according to that wisdom, you should look for a man who treats his mom well. I’m not saying that I 100% ascribe to that theory, but a man who’s respectful of his mother is always a good thing. A man who treats you like his mother is way less of a good thing. And even if it’s not like his mom, treating you like a mom is no bueno too. But, it can happen…especially in families where there are kids and you’re running the show. Here’s how to change that dynamic. Read more

My Husband Is Selfish. What Should I Do?

One of my closest friends recently confessed to me that she and her husband are having problems. Or, more specifically, she’s having problems with him. I was really touched that she told me. Married people have so much pressure on them to paint a perfect picture of their marriage and pretend like they’re always 100% happy in their partnership. Here’s the real talk on marriage, though: No one’s 100% happy. Marriage is a lot of compromise and struggle and you just have to hope that the good outweighs the bad. And there will be some days, week or maybe even years when the bad feels heavier than the good, but hopefully long-term, you can switch those scales. I just think we need to discuss this a bit more so people don’t panic when they find themselves in a tough spot with their spouse and feel like their marriage is a total failure. That doesn’t mean that your marriage is a failure. That means your marriage is a marriage. Anyway, my friend told me that her husband was being really selfish and that she didn’t know what to do. I’m going to share with you all the advice I told her, just in case it’s helpful to anyone out there. Read more

My husband is a slob. Help!

Most men are gross. That’s a fact. (Sorry, dudes. But you are. This will go a lot easier if you just admit it.) We’ve all dated guys who don’t ever wash their showers or don’t keep soap by the sink in the bathroom or only change their sheets when their mother comes to visit. And it’s kind of endearing at first in a quirky way. But, when that guy stops being your boyfriend and starts being your husband and now you’re living with a guy who doesn’t clean, it’s a whole lot less endearing. It goes from quirky to vomit-astic. Here’s how to deal with it. Read more