Tag Archives: dating younger

3 Reasons single ladies should date younger

I’m not sure if it’s something in the air or what, but I feel like all of my single girlfriends are really hitting a wall when it comes to dating recently. Every single one of them! One of my besties actually said to me the other day, “I think I’ve dated every man on the internet. There’s no one left!” So, I looked at her apps and saw that her search criteria were set to search for men her age or older. I had to seriously convince her to give me control of her apps, but she finally caved. I tweaked her age specifications to make her open to dudes 15 years younger and suddenly, it was a whole new world of dating! A week and two first dates later and my friend was converted to younger guys. Read more

The Ugly Truth: Why Some Men Date Younger Women

When you read what I'm about to write, it may create a shitstorm in your mind. But I want you to pay attention to one specific word in that title – why some men date younger women. I don't want you to allow your female mind to say all men; I want you to actually read each word as it's being presented to you and realize there are going to be some men that date younger women. What I'm about to tell you is definitely going to piss you off. Read more