Tag Archives: connection

The Truth About How Men and Women are Wired

I want to take you on a journey right now to, well, probably the first lesson you ever learned from an adult when it came down to meeting boys and meeting girls. I remember the first time my father and I sat down after I had a crush on somebody in 5th grade and she blew me off. My father was never great with advice at all. As a matter of fact he was one of the worst advisors I have ever had. I told him about my crush, and told him it didn't work and I was all upset, and he looked at me and he said, “Well, girls, women, can't live with them, can't live without them,” and he started laughing. Read more

Stop Freaking Out About Love!

Woman worries about finding love
Did any of you see the HBO standup show by Louis C.K? He called it, “Oh My God.” Honestly, if you haven’t watched it yet, I urge you to get a copy online. It’s incredibly funny and accurate. Louis C.K is a great comic anyway, and one of the best at observational comedy, and in this show he does a great routine about dating. What makes the thing so hysterical is how accurate and true to life it is. Read more