
“How Can I Tell A Man Is Interested In Me?”


You’re sitting opposite a guy on a date. You feel like things are going well, but you’re just not sure. How can you tell for certain if a man is interested in you, or whether he’s just being friendly?

I always joke and say, “The moment a guy talks to you, he’s telling you he’s interested.” But seriously, so many women get confused about how men think, and how men show interest it’s crazy. So let’s try to cut through the noise for you. What signs do men give off when they like you, and how can you tell if he’s just being friendly?

If you spot any of the following 3 signs, it’s guaranteed he likes you in a romantic way.  

He’s Acting Nervous

If you’ve been reading me for a while, you’ll know all about the “approach anxiety” most guys suffer from. It’s a new “illness” where men get so nervous about talking to women; they can’t even face approaching one. I spend most the time I’m coaching men getting them over this crippling fear of talking to women so they can actually hold a conversation with you.

Now here’s the thing…

Even after a man is over his approach anxiety problem, he’ll generally still show nerves around you if he finds you attractive. Keep an eye on what he’s doing with his hands (not like that!) Nervous men tend to fiddle with anything they can get their hands on.

If you’re at a restaurant look for things like peeling the label of beer bottles, and messing about with the salt and pepper pots. Chances are he’s attracted to you and not just overexcited.

 Is He Dropping Hints?

Rather than coming out and stating their feelings, guys drop hints they’re interested in you. Listen out for things like, “This has been great.” Or, “Maybe we should do this again?”

Why doesn’t he just say what he wants?

Because he’s afraid you’re going to reject him so he’s waiting for you to agree with him, or show a sign you’re interested in him too. What other hints should you look out for?

Men like to demonstrate how good they’ll be as a boyfriend. If you happen to bring up an ex, or a friend who did something bad to you, he’ll say something like, “I can’t believe he did that to you. What an idiot. He obviously didn’t know how lucky he was.”

It’s the closest thing you’ll get to an outright admission of attraction in most cases!

Is He Getting Closer To You?

As I said, men are always on the lookout for a sign from you that you like him. He needs you to validate him so he knows it’s safe to take things to the next level. One way we do this is by dropping verbal hints like those that I mentioned. The other way, is by dropping physical hints. Does he touch you on the hand or knee when he’s talking to you? Does he edge towards you as you’re sitting together? He’s doing this to see how you react. If you’re interested in him you’ll respond, if you’re not interested you’ll back away and he’ll know where he stands.

If he’s giving you a physical test like this, he’s doing it because he’s attracted to you. We’re just as afraid of rejection as women, so most guys want a sign before they’ll commit to telling you how they feel. I wish men would own their words and be bolder around women. If I like a woman, I come out and say it. If you feel the same way, that’s great. If you don’t feel the same way, that’s fine too. It doesn’t bother me.

Unfortunately, not many men are as direct as me, so you’ll need to keep an eye out for the 3 signs of attraction I showed you.

I show you some more of these signs, and give you some tips on what to do if you see any of them in the video below!

If you want a better understanding of how men think and why we act the way we do, then check out my program, “What Men Desire” for a complete insight into the male mind!

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