Tag Archives: valentines day mantras

5 Mantras every single girl needs to memorize before Valentine’s Day

I’m a deeply spiritual person. I’ve embraced a lot of what Eastern philosophies can teach us and have found happiness and peace through it. I know this type of spiritual practice isn’t for everyone, though. And I would never try to push that stuff on all of you. But, I would ask you to be open to mantras. Mantras don’t have to be spiritual or religious. They’re just a word, phrase or sound that you repeat. Originally, they were meant to help people concentrate during meditation. I do find them helpful for that. But, they’re not just for meditators. I find them helpful for general life outlook stuff too. Think of mantras like practicing a sport. The more you practice your layup (that’s a sports thing, right? Honestly, I have no idea!), the better you get at doing layups (layupping? Still, no idea!). The more you think a positive thought, the better you’ll get at thinking that thought. Read more