Tag Archives: saying i love you

Why doesn’t your husband say “I love you” anymore?

Long-term relationships, like marriages, are long and winding paths. Sometimes you’ll go through long parts of the path that are romantic and sweet and then you’ll hit a turn where daily logistics overshadow sex and emotional intimacy. That being said, I know those less romantic stretches can feel lonely, especially when you’re not hearing “I love you” a lot. If you and your husband are walking down a part of the path that feels a little loveless and you’re wondering why he’s not saying “I love you” anymore, here are three reasons, and solutions, that should help you out. Read more

Why it’s OK for women to say “I love you” first

At brunch this weekend, one of my girlfriends was beside herself because her man hadn’t said he loved her yet. She’s normally bright and really full of life, but she was limp and sad throughout the entire brunch. I assumed that she told him that she loved him and he hadn’t said it back, even after she gave him time. And I was really sad for her. It feels so crappy when a feeling as important as love isn’t reciprocated. Then, it came out that she hadn’t even said “I love you,” yet. She was waiting for him to say it first and that’s what she was getting upset about! Why hadn’t she said those magic words? What was she waiting for? Well, she was waiting for him to say it first because she thought that’s how it’s supposed to be. She thought if the woman said “I love you” first, it kinda didn’t count. Read more