Tag Archives: emily morse

Hey Emily!
I've been with my boyfriend for three-and-a-half years and the sex is great! We both get wonderful pleasure from each other and are open to trying new moves. My issue (one that has been evident from the start of the relationship) is that I am always in the driver’s seat when it comes to our sexual experiences. I always make the first move. I have tried to talk to him about it but he’s not willing to do anything differently. It feels like he doesn’t even want to have sex with me unless I make him. Read more

Hi Emily,
After listening to your show regularly, I decided that it’s time for me to find my G-spot! Based on your suggestions, I have been trying to pay attention to my body during sex, and I noticed that the spot that feels really good each time my boyfriend thrusts in and out is actually located on the BACK wall of my vagina. I know you always say that the G-spot is located on the FRONT wall, so what am I feeling? Could my G-spot be in the wrong (or a different) place?
Loyal Listener Lauren Read more

Hi Emily,
I learn so much from your podcasts! I am 36 and recently separated from a 16-year relationship. After waiting eight months, I decided I was ready to start dating again. A few colleagues of mine recommended some dating apps, so I checked them out. I went on two OKCupid dates and they went horribly. Then I gave it one last shot and started talking to a guy six years older than me. We have been talking for two weeks but haven't met in person yet. So far, our connection has been great!
So here’s my question for you: is there a certain timeline to meet this guy and move forward from there? What do you suggest when it comes to going from cyber- and phone-chatting to meeting IRL? Read more

We, as adults, are all about long-term investments. We invest in our 401k, we invest in our dream homes and our dream cars. We invest in a relationship that we believe will go the distance. And yet, we never think to invest in one of the most vital aspects of that relationship — our dream sex life. We focus so intently on the other pieces of the puzzle, and let sex just fade into the background without even realizing how important it really is. Read more

Dear Emily,
I recently started dating a new guy who is really great in bed. I’ve been in relationships where I felt like my pleasure wasn’t a priority, but this guy loves to make me feel good — and he does, frequently! Now I want to return the favor. The problem is, I’ve only got a few tricks up my sleeve and he has seen them all. So besides the usual hand jobs and blow jobs, what’s something I can do to really amp up the pleasure for my new beau? How can I wow him in the bedroom?
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Dear Emily,
I have a problem with masturbation — I can’t do it.
It’s not that I’m a prude about masturbation. Believe me, I have tried time and time again! I know what I’m supposed to do and I get how to do it, I’ve masturbated in front of a partner before and it was GREAT. But when it’s me by myself, I just can’t seem to get into it or even get to a place where it feels good. Since I’m doing the actual touching part the right way, I know it has to be something about my mindset. What am I doing wrong?
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