Tag Archives: eating

Should picky eating be a deal breaker?

A friend of mine just came back from a Tinder date that she was really excited about before she met him. Post date, her only feedback was, “He doesn’t eat sushi. Deal breaker!” Um, really? He doesn’t eat one type of cuisine and you’re out? For her, the answer was yes. For you, I’m hoping the answer is it depends. And here’s what it should depend on. Read more

Why You Love Chocolate and He Loves Bacon

Bacon and chocolate
Is our biology, more specifically our gender, responsible for our food cravings? Are women programmed to reach for a chocolate truffle or a candy bar, while men are wired for chicken wings? Scientific research has provided some hypotheses and a few studies, but for now this is what we know for sure: the differences between men and women probably have less to do with physiology and more to do with our early access to various foods. And by early access, I mean early—as in caveman days. According to David Katz, director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, our modern-day preferences can be explained by evolution. Read more