Tag Archives: andi

When Is The Right Time To Say, “I Love You”?

Have you been keeping up with The Bachelorette this season? I’m obsessed with the show in general, but this season isn’t doing it for me. Everyone just kind of seems vanilla to me. There aren’t really any bad boys or rule breakers. And as much as I hate to use this phrase, it does seem like everyone is there for the “right reasons.” Of course, that’s a good thing for Andi. At the end of the day, you don’t want to end up with someone who’s trouble. But, it does make for less exciting TV viewing. One thing I’ve noticed more this season than any other is how quickly the men are telling Andi they love her. Marcus told her on the first date, which she seemed to dig. But, that felt way, way too early to me. I take love very seriously (I made it my business for crying out loud!) and if anyone told my clients or me on a first date they were in love, it would be creepy, not romantic. So, here are some tips for when I think it’s the right time to say, “I love you.” Read more